Sons in the Light
Sons walk in the light. This weekly Saturday morning (6am) online group is about learning to be real men of God - prophets, priests and kings, in the grace of God and in the encouraging company of committed brothers.
We will celebrate our victories in God, the testimonies of which will prophesy and perpetuate more victories. We will remind each other of what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us at the cross, so that we can walk in the fullness of His blessing and reward.
We will remind each other of who our perfect Father really is because how we see the Father is arguably the most important thing about us. We will remind each other of who we really are to Him and in Christ, sons of the Most High God, because our healthy “who” always leads to out healthy “do”.
This group is about worship in spirit and truth, growing character and integrity and putting an end to mask-wearing, secret sin, the false masculine, and going round the same mountains year after year. We will own our setbacks, bring our junk into the light in a safe space and get increasingly free of the bondage.
It's a group which will grow courageous, whole-hearted masculinity and which will hold each other to account for the vision, ability and high call we have each been given and entrusted with by God, for such a time as this.
It's a group to deepen male intimacy and to champion true masculinity, agape love, covenantal living, and authentic Christian brotherhood.
It's a group to mould sons who will become fathers of fathers. It's a group, which through prayer, sweat and some tears, will see the masculine war cry and lion's roar return to our barren and confused land.
Join us, step into the light. In Jesus' mighty name.